The tools, mindsets, and actions that got us here won't get us there.
Systemic Perspectives
To do less harm, we need to understand systemic effects. These posts dissect the complex systems our designs are part of, and how to leverage them for good.
This sub-category in branding acts like FlexTape on the ruptured water tank of climate change.
This week, we have insights on convenience and its effect on fulfillment, mental health, and communal bonds.
The worldview that made design is dying a slow death, but change tends to happen not-at-all, and then all-at-once.
Models affect how we see reality and the actions we take, so changing how they work can be a significant leverage point for creating the world we want.
Rethinking the cloud, our senses, and how we do business.
This week, we explore our place in various systems, and how our vantage point affects our experience of them.
Designers may need to consider the systemic effects of their favorite aesthetic.
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